Project information
Client: Provincie Fryslân
Project: Office, meeting/conference room
Interior Architect: Roem
Wall installations
Size: 4 panels each 250 x 140 cm
Wooltypes: Norwegian Short Tale Landrace (gammalnorsk spælsau), merino wool and silk combined with flax (linnen)
Plant dyes:Indigo, Steinlav (lichen)
Circular Interior Design
For the two large meeting rooms in the Circular Interior Design for the Central Bridge Control Center It Swettehûs, Roem chose to collaborate with flokk & fjell. Two artworks were commissioned with the themes 'water' and 'shore'. The works of flokk & fjell are both aesthetic and functional. The wool felt panels improve the acoustics in the space while providing a unique visual experience.
Specifically for this project, we incorporated flax from Ee (Friesland) into the panels. Growing flax in Friesland has been revived with the goal of making sustainable products from local and renewable materials.